Friday, February 26, 2016

It's green!

Well, I totally underestimated this preop diet . . . I was perfectly fine two days ago, a little iffy yesterday, and today I am really feeling the side effects of ketosis. I am nauseous to the point I have no interest in food. That being said, I get it down since I know my body needs it. It still sucks, though. The worst part is that I know that just a little cheating could make it all go away, and the temptation has been sitting in the back of my head all day, but will I give in? NO NO NO!!!! I want this.

The weirdest side effect is that this diet has caused my stool to turn green . . . yep, green. I knew grape soda and lots of artificial color would do that, but I definitely did not expect it from protein shakes and a meal of veggies and protein. Turns out my mom had the same thing happen to her. So weird.

Anyways, just thought that little update was necessary. I'm sure I'll be writing again before my big day!

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