Thursday, February 25, 2016

Beware of Planes

I came across this picture on pinterest the other day and it basically describes how I'm feeling right now. Finals week is next week, and I am feeling the pressure. I think that this picture also describes how I am feeling about my surgery, but in a less negative way. More of a holy cow I am now officially on my preop diet sort of way! For two weeks, I am allowed 1 meal a day of 4 oz of protein and 1/2 cup of veggies. I can't believe how fast my surgery date is coming up! only 10 more days! I am all stocked up on soup broth, sugar free popsicles, flavor packets, and protein powder, and I am ready to kick this preop diet's metaphorical butt! 

That being said, I am nervous as hell. Like I said in my first post, I've never had any kind of surgery before in my life. I've watched my mom go through this same procedure, but it definitely isn't the same as experiencing it yourself. Although, I am happy that so far I have been able to stick with the preop diet no problems besides a little nausea. What really helps is that I actually like my protein shakes. I mix the vanilla powder I got from the doctor's office with orange crush flavor packets and I love it! 

It is also hard thinking about the fact that I will not be able to eat the same way ever again. I've somewhat come to grips with it. I have been very good for the most part since I started my journey, but there's still a little part of me that wants code red mountain dew and key lime / apple pie (my three weaknesses). I used to get an apple pie from my grandma for my birthday almost every year instead of cake, and now I can't do that especially this year considering my birthday is almost exactly one month postop. 

Also, some good news! I am down a pant size from a 22 to a 20, and down about 7 more pounds since my original post. GO ME!!!!! :)

I know I can do this. The hardest thing will always be the mental and emotional me that yells for junk food, but in the end, I know it is not worth it. I do not want to ruin a chance at a new life. 

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