Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Out with the Old

This week has been a bit chaotic. For starters, it is that magical week before spring break called midterm. I have two major projects conquered, and two more that need to be either revised or completed by tomorrow . . . which means a nearly sleepless night without sugary goodness or caffeine to fuel me. I'll let you know how that worked out in my next post.

It's also an unfortunate time to be on pre-op. My professors have been oh so generous to bring in goodies, and I have to death grip my seat and just sit there all sad. One of my professors brought in three big bags of M&Ms. He even had the peanut butter kind! They are my favorite . . . well, they were. Plus, my class tomorrow is celebrating the last day before spring break with pizza and pop and who knows what else. I might ask him to leave early. I'll have to find something I'm allowed to eat to be my new favorite. Come to think of it, all my favorite foods are definite no no's after surgery. I'm talking my apple pie, mashed potatoes, phish food ice cream. But enough of that. That's the old me.

I think Hulu knows that I am on a pre-op diet, too. Every other commercial there's an advertisement for Oprah and her love affair with bread or kit kats or taco bell. It doesn't bother me so much anymore, but the first few times had my mouth watering like I hadn't eaten anything good in days.

Oh wait, I haven't. This pre-op diet is still rough. I'm not pooping green anymore at least, but I am so sick of protein shakes. I can barely get them down anymore, and actually threw one up yesterday. I'm not sure what is going on with that one. I can say that at least I have my broth and my one meal a day.  My mom told me the other day to, "Just keep swimming," as Dory would say. My response: I am swimming . . . in a sea of unsatisfying protein shakes and chicken broth. On a positive note, I'm happy to report my liquid intake has been above the 64 oz required by my doctor office. I have to pee every couple minutes (ok maybe that's a little dramatic), but it's worth it.

I'm getting to that point now where I am excited about the surgery, but I'm also flipping out a little. I mean, It's surgery. I've never gone through any type of surgery or been given any kind of anesthesia. It's very hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that I will be put to sleep, and then wake up with pains and an itty bitty stomach. I won't have any idea what went on. We'll just see how it goes, I guess. One thing I am definitely not excited for is the 6 AM arrival time on Monday. I can't remember the last time I was awake at 6. That being said, I guess the whole point is for me to not be awake later anyways.

I just hope it is all worth it. All the money, time, pre-op misery, stress, everything. This is a battle that has plagued me, and it's one I want to win. Even if I end up with battle wounds and stretch marks.

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