Monday, March 7, 2016

Today's THE Day

Well, today is surgery day. I need to be at the hospital at 6 AM and then my surgery is at 7:30. Of course, now is the time that my anxiety is going absolutely haywire. I probably spent a good twenty minutes in tears last night, but at no point did I think I absolutely do not want this anymore. Yes, doubts passed through my mind. Yes, I am flipping out. But...this is my chance at a new beginning, and I'm not going to let a moment of vulnerability ruin that.

Oh, but to backtrack a little, I just wanted to say that fiber in sugar free gummy form is dangerous to the starving preop bariatric patient. I probably could have eaten every last one I had in the container...I really wanted to, but it would not have been worth the dire consequences that would have followed.

So, I have packed up everything I think I'll need for surgery. I have crocs, the comfiest clothes I could find, some dry mouth spray (I follow a group on facebook and a few people had recommended this), chargers, and my other meds. I also have a brand new pillow and my fiance will bring my laptop so we can watch netflix when there's nothing on TV.

So with all that said, I am going to get ready to leave! I'm sure I'll be posting later or within a day or two to let you all know how it went. Wish me luck!

HW 310  SW 273.4

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