Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Disappearing Assets

Hello my wonderful readers! So, I am now officially three weeks post-op, and so far, so good. Nothing has changed this week as far as dietary or physical activity instructions from the doctor, but next week will be fun. I am finally allowed to start strength training again. I'm hoping this will help my weight loss along, although I am not disappointed with that by any means. I am currently 262 Ibs. That's a 14 Ib weight loss since surgery, and a grand total of 48 Ibs gone since I have started this journey. To celebrate, I thought it was time for a picture! I am starting to see some changes, and I am proud of my progress. I am actually starting to be able to see my collar bone again!  Although, I wish my progress was less in my boobs and butt, and more in my belly :)

This week also marks the first time I was able to put away 4 oz. I was only able to do it once, and I probably should have stopped a little sooner, but it happened. I am still fighting the mentality of not wanting to "waste" food. I am becoming more aware that this mentality it is there, though. That helps me fight it, but it is definitely a hard pattern to break. 

Some more positives for this week! My engagement ring is starting to get loose, which I guess is both a plus and a minus, but I found a great video that shows someone using hot glue to temporarily make the size smaller. What a great idea! I definitely do not want to resize my ring until I am at a stable weight, especially considering it'll weaken the metal if it gets resized too much. My belly is also clean of all bandage residue and steristrips. My mom suggested using coconut oil to get all the residue off, and by golly, sometimes it pays to listen to your parents. It took it right off without having to put any chemicals near the incisions, which are healing up quite nicely. I also got a present from my mom which you can see below :) It even has my name and surgery date on the back!

So, with all these great things happening, there are a few not necessarily bad things, but not as great things happening, too. First off, I went through a little stall. I was stuck at 266 for a few days, but that also could have been because of stress and it getting to be "that time of the month." I wasn't very worried about it. I just kept on with my healthy eating and making sure I'm getting in my water. Another odd thing that my body is doing is making some demonic noises. After I eat, my stomach is loud! It's embarrassing when I'm sitting in class after having lunch or dinner, but we are all human I guess. Nobody says anything, and it's not like I'm sitting there farting. I would never put my classmates through the horrible stench that is my protein farts! Although, I have had to leave the room to do that a few times. Not this week, but the week I came back after surgery, the gas pain would get pretty intense! 

And of course, Easter was this week. I went to my grandpa's house like we do every year, and I got some candy...which I promptly gave to my fiance. There were also a lot of snacks laid out that I really wanted to indulge in, but I was a good girl and behaved myself. I had my lunch of ham and a deviled egg. I will admit that I was sooooo tempted to have some bread. My grandpa had made homemade bread the night before, and it just looked amazing! But not as amazing as the progress I am making in my journey :) I wish people would understand that more. I get comments from those who know about my surgery that they feel bad that I can't indulge anymore in candy or sweets. The kicker is that I could if I really wanted to, but I choose not to. I have changed my life and health for the better. I don't feel sorry for myself at all. I feel great! I have a new chance at life in a way. How many people are lucky enough to get that? This is one of the biggest reasons why I still debate whether I wan to "come out of the bariatric closet." I don't want comments like this. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I'd rather just let them think I am making healthy choices on my own (which I am anyways) and let them be amazed as a disappear before their very eyes. 

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